How Parents Can Support Children in Preschool

Do you have a child in preschool? What can you do to ensure he enjoys this new phase in his life? A child’s preschool years can be pretty exciting for both the parents and the children. For parents, this is the first phase of learning, while for children, this is a moment of gaining new experiences. As a parent, how can you make your child’s experience in a preschool in Clementi worthwhile? 

Have open communication with the teachers

As the circle of people who relate with your child expands, so will his trust. Before joining a preschool in Clementi, you were the most important person in your child’s life. However, now he has more people to love and trust. 

Since your child spends a few hours in school, it is only right that you maintain close contact with the teachers in the preschool. They will keep you updated on your child’s progress. 

You can also find out how to help your child in this new journey towards formal education. Additionally, when your child sees you have a great relationship with his teachers, he will naturally gain confidence in the bond he shares with them. 

Join your child in some of his favourite activities

Observe your child to find out the activities he enjoys. You could also ask his teachers how you can create a home environment where he can still enjoy performing the tasks he likes. 

When he finds similar activities at home and preschool in Clementi, your child will improve the targeted cognitive skills much faster. This is also an excellent way for you to bond with your child, especially since he is taking a new path in life. 

Failure to be involved means your child will soon find ways to enjoy himself without you. He is becoming independent, so if you don’t find a way to fit into his life, he will find ways to enjoy his newfound independence his way. 

Besides bonding with your child, you will take note of the changes in your child. It is easy to identify the skills a child develops while in preschool in Clementi. You can even discover his control in his physical coordination. 

Besides the developments, it will also be possible for you to see if your child faces challenges with adjusting to the preschool environment. 

Volunteer in the school activities

Preschools often have various activities and celebrations that require the input of parents and teachers. In Singapore, you’ll discover a preschool in Clementi holding celebrations during the Chinese New Year and Christmas. Others have days set aside for family activities, mystery guests, and other events relating to the preschool. 

It is difficult for working parents to participate in all the activities. However, if you can spare time to attend some, your child will be filled with pride. Children like seeing their parents involved in their school activities. This is the moment to show off their parents to preschoolers, so you should give your child the chance to put you on display. 

Understanding your child’s needs is one of your responsibilities as a parent. You can quickly tell what he needs by spending time with him. When children start school, it is easy to miss out on their milestones. However, when you take steps to be involved in your child’s preschool activities, you can retain memories of your child’s preschool moments.