5 Factors to Consider When Rating a Nursery School in Singapore

If you have ever searched for a nursery school in Singapore, you know it is no easy task. The competition between kindergartens doesn’t make it easier because you will notice more similarities than differences. How then do you choose one Singapore nursery school over another when they all seem to be ideal for your child?

What resources does the school have?

A school’s resources are one of the things that matter when choosing a nursery school in Singapore. Resources vary from one school to another. Looking at the various resources available to children will help you decide which nursery school is superior.

The resources include learning and playing materials that children use to improve cognitive and emotional skills. 

Does the school provide reading materials? Are there games to help children develop cognitive skills? Is the playground large enough to accommodate the children as they play? Are there enough teachers to ensure the preschoolers get personalised attention? Is there a nurse readily to ensure children receive immediate care should they fall ill or get injured?

These are some of the resources that nursery schools need. The information should be readily available to help you make an informed decision. 

How is the school’s leadership?

A Singapore nursery school’s leadership is responsible for the smooth running of the school. Without the right management, operations in a nursery school can ground to a halt. As a parent, you know the benefit of having order in your home. Otherwise, the children will leave a trail of destruction. 

If one or two children can leave your space in a mess, how much worse could it be in a Singapore nursery school? 

With the right leadership, a nursery school will operate like a well-oiled machine. Teachers will be obliged to follow the school schedule. Children will have a balanced meal plan. Parents will receive updates on their children’s progress. Efforts will be made to ensure all the children are emotionally and physically ready for primary school. 

The school’s curriculum

Nursery schools in Singapore get to choose any of the six approved curriculums. Each curriculum has its advantage. Some nursery schools use more than one curriculum. Find out the curriculum that the school uses and see if it will work for your child.

For example, if your child is playful and highly active, you should consider a Singapore nursery school that uses a play-based curriculum. 

Hygiene and Safety

As they play, it is expected that children will get dirty. However, a good nursery school in Singapore gives children the freedom to play, and at the same time, ensure they are safe. For example, children should be taught to wash their hands after playing. Some schools request a change of clothes so that when children leave the playground, they change into clean clothes. 

Measures taken to keep children healthy

Since children are in Singapore nursery school for several hours a day, the school administration needs to ensure it takes steps to keep the children healthy. This includes providing balanced meals and healthy treats. The food children eat often influences the brain’s functions.

So, when you choose a school with safety nets in place to keep children healthy, you are helping to keep your child’s brain perform optimally. 

These are some of the factors that give a Singapore nursery school the edge over the others. If the nursery school scores highly in these factors, you can relax knowing your child will be in good hands.